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C-Think Debates News & Information

These 10 High Schools are the First Beacons of Critical Thinking

C-Think’s organizers have just named the Jamaica’s C-Think Debates Youth League!

After months of virtual matches and workshops, a Private Launch at the Queens High School last March and an intense Speakers Day at St. Jogo High School last April, we finally know the first ten Jamaica C-Think Youth Teams!

The Youth League’s 2024 title sponsor became the Rita Marley Foundation, after CAP Media received $500,000.00 JMD from them to support C-Think expenses. The Rita Marley Foundation is the second organization to offer support to C-Think, after the JMMB Joan Duncan Foundation donated $50,000.00 JMD in December 2023, when teams were being originally recruited. CAP Media expects paid subscribers to begin supporting C-Think this month.

Organizers set moots and themes in unison with C-Think’s partners: Parents’ Alliance Jamaica and Wake Up Jamaica! Last month the teams focused on Wake Up Jamaica’s mission to bring awareness to constitutional changes currently on the national agenda and to the pursuit of personal and national independence and empowerment.

This May moots are being guided by Child Month’s Themes and Parents Alliance Jamaica’s Rowe Reforms. Teams will explore measures: to reduce violence in schools, to empower children, and to create safe spaces protecting children and families from exposure to violent and pornographic contents and behaviors.

The ten schools are looking forward to moving up the League’s leaderboard, and to earning from paid subscriptions. Members of the public can subscribe for annual access and scoring rights to C-Think Debates. Teams and Schools directly receive or share 50% of subscription revenue.

Teams will continue to debate and accumulate points until July 25, 2024 when C-Think’s Youth and Junior Leagues convene at the Bob Marley Museum for the first “Celebration of Critical Thinking”! The Marley Cup and Garvey Shield will both be on display, but which school will claim them?

  • Charlemont High School
  • DeCartaret College
  • Glenmuir High School
  • Knox College
  • Manchester High School
  • Morant Bay High School
  • Port Antonio High
  • St Jago High
  • The Queens School
  • Westwood High School

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