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C-Think Debates News & Information

Richard Azan is Having Impact Beyond Politics: 

Recognizing Azan’s Support of Critical Thinking and the C-Think Debates

Critical thinking and intellectual discourse will get another boost as a Jamaican Member of Parliament, Richard Azan (MP) becomes a patron of the Critical Thinking Debates. Azan’s commitment to fostering thoughtful dialogue will support C-Think’s efforts to promote critical thinking and reward its development.

Amidst the noise, division and irrational actions that often contributes to crime and violence in Jamaica, Azan signals that he stands out as a beacon of reason and enlightenment by advancing C-Think’s efforts to promote critical thinking.

The C-Think’s first debate leagues will launch in March this year, featuring 16 primary schools and 32 secondary schools. Throughout the competitions organizers will invite prominent Jamaicans who promote critical thinking skills to become patrons. Azan was invited due to his dedication to fostering open-minded exchange and intellectual engagement, both central to C-Think’s mission.

A debate competition is beyond  political duties, but Mr. Azan deeply understands the importance of younger Jamaicans developing critical thinking skills to shape more informed decision-making and build cohesive communities. The MP hopes that through C-Think’s competitions and advocacy, a platform will be created that explores and celebrates diverse perspectives.

C-Think’s organizers value the generous backing,of patrons, who are helping to create spaces in which viewers and participants can engage in the collision and evolution of ideas. They acknowledged Mr. Azan’s contribution and recognize the broader impact of his support. 

By championing critical thinking from his platform, the politician will set an example for others to follow. His experiences will inspire more than one generation of leaders and future leaders who are participating in the C-Think Debates as debaters, team managers, coaches and judges.

Organizers have expressed deep gratitude to Mr. Azan whose support will help drive an instrumental in advancing C-Think’s mission.

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