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C-Think Debates News & Information

Queens and Port Antonio Exhibit C-Think Debates

C-Think Debate teams from the St. Andrew based ‘The Queens High School’ and Portland based, Port Antonio High School faced off in the first demonstration of the new Leagues’ match format last week.

C-Think’s Junior League Speaker, Miss Phillipa Davies judged the exciting match, with assistance from C-Think Presenter, Orrett Montague. Davies gave the team from Portland a slight edge over the St. Andrew based female team.

One hour before the match teams learnt whether they would propose or oppose the moot, “helping your country should be a higher priority than personal success”. The ladies were selected to support the moot after a coin toss between the team’s managers.

The Nicole Collesso managed Queens team presented sound arguments to judges and the day’s Best Debater was the Proponents’ Deputy Premier or second speaker, Maguwa Wamazola.

The Queens team was led by Aliana Marriott, who presented as Premier and the team’s arguments were shielded by Allen, who Miss Collesso named “Team Whip”.

The debate’s unique Question and Answer round became a battle of the whips after Queen’s Allen opted to face all the questions thrown by Port Antonio’s Javariey Hylton. For judges, the round contributed significantly to the outcome of the match.

Port Antonio’s team’s manager Elaine Bryan choose her only female presenter, Chris-Ann Whitter to lead the team as Opponent Leader. The Deputy Leader, or second speaker was O’Wyanie Cox.

The Portland team’s Whip impressed the judges and only missed out on the ‘Best Debater’ title after he decided to use only two of the three minutes allocated to rebuttals in C-Think matches.

The full debates was uploaded to CThink Online this week and viewers have been encouraged to use C-Think’s Scoring Platform to suggest their own scores for the match.

Click Here to access C-Think’s Scoring Card and Click Here to watch the match! Fans and viewers can follow and subscribe to C-Think on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram @CThinkOnline.

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