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Marlon Morgan: A Judge Yearning for all Youth to Fulfill their Potential

Marlon A. Morgan works as a Senior Technical Coordinator in Jamaica’s Ministry of Education, Youth and Information.

He is a young leader who has always adopted communication and education as his vocations. The Kingston College Old Boy is also one of C-Think’s younger judges with a passion to help create more young leaders. It is why Morgan collaborates with projects like the Critical Thinking Debates. 

Marlon Morgan has served on important State Boards like the HEART/ NSTA and the Public Broadcasting Corporation of Jamaica (PBCJ). His youthful perspective in these important decision making roles makes him a valuable resource point for C-Think teams. Morgan has already started interacting with some of the future leaders on C-Think’s Junior League, and expects great debates.

C-Think’s organizers value Morgan’s work in the fields of Media and Communication. He regularly hosts radio current affairs shows in Jamaica and is often invited to represent the perspectives of his political party in public discussions on radio and television. Mr. Morgan has hosted talk shows on Newstalk 93FM, Bess 100FM and on the Nationwide News Network. 

Given his expertise viewers can expect to see Morgan regularly, and he is likely to be one of the judges building friendships with many C-Think teams. Debaters can expect useful tips and great advice to build confidence behind the podium. 

At a recent conference of the UNFPA Caribbean, Morgan represented Jamaica’s desire to ensure that every young person’s potential is fulfilled. He is determined to engage organizations like C-Think in helping to achieve that desire.

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