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Critical Thinkers

C-Think Debates News & Information

Germaine Barrett is Chief Adjudicator of C-Think’s Debates

The organizers of the Critical Thinking Debates have engaged Germaine Barrett to adjudicate C-Think Debates as “Chief Adjudicator” across Jamaica and future territories.

CAP Media & Marketing Limited is creating C-Think to empower and promote critical thinkers and thinking. The company is being assisted by Parents Alliance Jamaica, the parents’ advocacy and support group led by Rev. Herro V. Blair Jr.

According to Rev. Blair, “Mr. Barrett is a recipient of the Prime Minister’s National Youth Awards for Excellence because of his vision for a better Jamaica”. He says that despite a visual impairment Mr. Barrett created the Jamaica Association for Debating and Empowerment (JADE) and continues to have impact in the debating world.

Mr. Barrett is a recipient of the Ubuntu Award for Humanitarian Service, and has received many awards for debating and adjudication, both locally and internationally.


CAP Media’s General Manager, Orrett Montague wants the debates to promote critical thinking skills, reward participating teachers and students, and fund critical thinking programmes across schools and places of worship. He is authoring the text book series, “A Critical Thinking Mindset”, that contains critical thinking lessons and moot guidance for C-Think Debates.

Mr. Montague describes the addition of Mr. Barrett to the C-Think team as a sign of the “Debating Excellence” to come from C-Think’s competitions. C-Think’s Judges will meet for a workshop with their new Chief Adjudicator ahead of their first competitive league in March.

Mr. Barrett is being supported by esteemed judges who all demonstrate excellence in their own fields. The adjudicators include former Jamaica’s Minister of Education, Maxine Henry-Wilson, former deputy Speaker of Jamaica’s Parliament, Lloyd B. Smith, prominent attorney-at-law Clyde Williams, University Lecturers, Damion Gordon and Dr. Anna Perkins, veteran journalist Neville Graham and Marlon Morgan, a senior technocrat in the Ministry of Education.

C-Think is developing five local competitive debate leagues and an annual celebrity debate face off. The leagues are:

  • A Junior League for Primary & Preparatory Schools
  • A Youth League for Secondary Schools
  • A Tertiary League for University and College Students
  • A Faith League for Worship Centres like Churches, and
  • A Community League for Community Based Organizations like Parenting and Youth Groups.

Members of the public will be able to help score the debates by purchasing a token to support the league and C-Think’s aims. Tokens are sold by teams and online at

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