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Critical Thinkers

C-Think Debates News & Information

C-Think Jamaica Develops

C-Think is forming Debate Leagues across Primary, Preparatory and Secondary Schools, Places of Worship and Communities across Jamaica.  CAP Media is working with Parents Alliance Jamaica and has already found the Junior Leagues’ Leaders!

Teams in the league will compete in annual debate competitions to claim C-Think’s Cash Awards and Medals like the Junior League’s Garvey Shield for Critical Thinking!

The teams will benefit from annual support for Critical Thinking programmes, since will earn a share of the Leagues’ income. A Scholarship and Awards Fund will even be created to support the Leagues’ outstanding teachers and students.

The initiative is already receiving support from organizations like the Rita Marley Foundation and the JMMB Joan Duncan Foundation, but CAP Media, the parent company is appealing for more support and will offer sponsors brand exposure and advertising throughout the competition.

The company wants to encourage audiences to participate and support the C-Think League and has engaged local broadcasters and influencers. 

C-Think Debates promise to be revolutionary since they:

  • Will involve local communities and members of the public who purchase cheap “Scoring Tokens” to become ‘Public Electors’ who help to score every match and who have the opportunity to win special prizes,
  • Introduce participants to both angles of every moot and teams only know the position they will take just days or hours before a match,
  • And the matches have an entire round dedicated to participants challenging each team’s arguments with persuasive or difficult questions that test wit!

Parents Alliance Jamaica Shares C-Think Message

Parents Alliance Jamaica shares CAP Media’s position and is C-Think’s local NGO Partner. The parents’ advocacy group started as a charity committee established by CAP Media to engage low income children and their parents during the summer holidays.

It is now led by a prominent Jamaican pastor, Rev. Herro-Verne Blair (Jr.) and the principal of a large St. Catherine based primary school, Mr. George Goode.

According to Rev. Blair, “C-Think will become a valuable catalyst that will bring a new focus on the relevance of critical thinking to problem solving and decision making”.

He says that, “As Jamaicans all of us must begin to reason out our problems with each other and find solutions that do not include violence and the loss of life”.

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